The St. Boniface Cathedral

The St. Boniface Cathedral

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The St. Boniface Cathedral coffee table book, part of the Manitoba CountryScapes series, chronicles the history of St. Boniface’s six churches and cathedrals since the Mission was founded in 1818. Award-winning photographer Michel (Mike) Grandmaison’s contemporary photographs complement archival and historical material presented by author Joanne Therrien.

In addition to these powerful photographs, The St. Boniface Cathedral features famed architect Étienne Gaboury who discusses in depth the conceptual and architectural elements that make the Cathedral a unique landmark in Western Canada.

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Étienne Gaboury

Étienne Gaboury est architecte de renommée mondiale, Il a conçu plus de trois cents projets architecturaux mondialement, notamment l’ambassade du Canada à Mexico et l’édifice de la Monnaie Royale de Winnipeg. Étienne Gaboury est membre de l’Académie royale des arts du Canada et a été nommé, en 2010, membre de l’Ordre du Canada

Joanne Therrien


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