The Deadly Snakes Real Rock and Roll Tonight
The Deadly Snakes Real Rock and Roll Tonight

The Deadly Snakes

Real Rock and Roll Tonight

The Deadly Snakes: Real Rock and Roll Tonight charts the rise and gentle fall of Canada’s greatest band. Unwilling to bow to industry demands, the Deadly Snakes instead made records they were proud of and played music by their own rules. From their chaotic teenage beginnings to the band’s exquisite final act, the story of the Deadly Snakes is both the story of angry young men growing up and a microcosm of Canadian independent music.

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J.B. Staniforth

J. B. Staniforth is a writer, reporter, editor and teacher. His reporting appears regularly in the Nation magazine (Canada), serving the Cree communities of James Bay (Eeyou Istchee); he has also published writing in Slice, N+1, and Salon. Since 2001, he has written and produced the underground zine Querencia. He lives in Montreal.


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