Masks - Volume 2 - The Eclipse Mask
Masks - Volume 2 - The Eclipse Mask

Masks - Volume 2 - The Eclipse Mask

The team's quest to find more young people with masks faces new challenges when one of their masks is stolen and two more pop up in Australia—including a powerful Eclipse Mask, which threatens to swallow everything up. Meanwhile, some of the members of the masked team attempt to deal with more personal issues while another needs to figure out how his mask works in time to save the world... Nothing like a little pressure!

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Kid Toussaint

Kid Toussaint, born in Belgium, is an author and translator who has also worked in the audiovisual sector. His specialty, it's safe to say, is comics, with an impressive and quickly growing collection of successful series. With Dupuis alone, his portfolio includes the collaborative project "Magic 7" (Europe Comics in English) as well as "Télémaque" ("Telemachus," Europe Comics), a Homerian reboot created alongside Kenny Ruiz. And in 2019, this list is set to grow further with "Kid Noize," about the Belgian DJ phenom of the same name, and "Animal Jack," bringing to life a young boy who just happens to be a shape-shifter, both published by Dupuis (Europe Comics in English). His most recent work with publisher Le Lombard includes the groundbreaking "Elle(s)" (Europe Comics in English), alongside artist Aveline Stokart; the fast-paced adventure series "Masques" ("Masks," Europe Comics) with Joël Jurion; and the magical "Les Héricornes" ("The Unicorn Legacy," Europe Comics) with Verónica Álvarez.


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