Homework and Studying

Homework and Studying

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What role should parents play in their children's school lives ?

Are homework and studying useful ?

Does that mean discipline is not important during the homework and study period ?

How can we prevent homework and studying from becoming an all-out battle ?

Can parents help children learn how to learn ?

What are the main learning strategies we should make children aware of ?

In dealing with homework are boys really different from girls ?

Girls and homework: is it always easier for them ?

My child often forgets to write down what he is supposed to do so we never quite know what his homework is. How should we react ?

My child's teacher is known for giving a lot of homework and it takes my child two to three hours to complete it. What can I do ?

... and the ones your children ask you.

What's the point in doing homework if the teacher doesn't even correct it ?

Why should I be forced to read if I don't like it ?

... and many other questions !

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Marie-Claude Béliveau

Marie-Claude Béliveau est orthopédagogue. Elle a accompagné des enfants et leurs parents pendant plus de 30 ans au CHU Sainte-Justine en tant que spécialiste de l'évaluation et de l'intervention liées à des difficultés scolaires. Elle continue d'offrir cet encadrement en pratique privée.


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